I mondi del web e della tecnologia si evolvono in fretta. Cambiano, prima di quanto si possa immaginare.
Eccovi 8 news che non dovreste perdere, oggi.
- Microsoft to retire Windows Live Messenger in favor of Skype
da www.theverge.com/2012/11/5/3603014/windows-live-messenger-retirement-skype - Foursquare Gives Locations a New Kind of Rating
da www.webpronews.com/foursquare-gives-locations-a-new-kind-of-rating-2012-11 - Apple’s Tablet Market Share Drops to 50.4% [REPORT]
da mashable.com/2012/11/05/apples-tablet-market-share-drops-to-50-4-percent-report - Facebook updates its iOS app with Gifts, new Messages interface, and multi-photo uploads
da thenextweb.com/facebook/2012/11/05/facebook-updates-ios-app-now-with-gifts-feature - Amazon takes on Netflix and Hulu Plus with $7.99 monthly Prime plan
da thenextweb.com/facebook/2012/11/05/facebook-updates-ios-app-now-with-gifts-feature - Pinterest CEO: We’re competing to keep your attention
da gigaom.com/2012/11/05/pinterest-ceo-were-competing-to-keep-your-attention - Lg Nexus 4: vi spiego perché in Italia costa 599 euro
da mytech.panorama.it/tritatech/nexus-4-costo-lg-google - I nuovi profili di Instagram
da socialblog.giorgiotave.it/i-nuovi-profili-di-instagram/2375